COSTA Francesco,
chorus master

Opera singer, chorus master, composer, currently plays the role of master of the chorus of the Choir Sicilian and takes care of the artistic and musical direction of the “Festival Luigi Capuana”, the “Premio Canticorum Sacerdos”, the “Sicanorum Cantica Award”, the Giuseppe Di Stefano International Prize and the Opera Festival of Stone Theatres which is articulated at the Ancient Theatres of Sicily with a strong international echo.  He has received several awards, including the “International Opera Award – Oscar della Lirica” (for the first time in the history of the award given to a chorus master).He actively collaborates with the most renowned conductors (among others Donato Renzetti, Ralf Weikert, Steven Mercurio, Lü Jia, etc) and with the most famous musical realities (among others Macao International Music Festival, Harbin Grand Theatre, Orchestre national d’Île-de-France, etc). He has recorded for Warner Classic and Amadeus and in Asia, has inaugurated numerous opera houses, including Anshan Opera House, Foshan, Nanjing. Besides the intense concert activity, he dedicates himself to research, study, revision and enhancement of works by musicians less known and the rarest pages of the sacred and operatic repertoire: brought to light unpublished compositions of V. Moscuzza, P. Mandanici, Laya (on texts by L. Capuana), F. P. Neglia, R. Casalaina, G. Sinopoli and V. Bellini as one of the greatest interpreters of Bellini’s dictation, also in sacred and chamber music, as well as in opera. He was, also, Chorus Master of the Puccini Festival on the occasion of the Primer Festival Puccini de Latinoamérica held in Nicaragua in February 2016 and Chorus Master of the Politeama Greco Theatre of Lecce.